Monday, June 1, 2009

Thoughts on a Movie No.4

Tonight, or yesterday night, I saw a movie and I'm not sure if my insomnia is coming back or I'm still awake because I don't want some kind of crazy ass demon to Drag Me To Hell. Either way, fuck that demon, and that bitch of a gypsy who cast it on that nice young girl in the movie. Per the usual, I was excited to see this movie, as I am for most movies that would appear to be ridiculous piles of dog shit to the general public. I was even more excited when I found out it was a Sam Raimi picture, the same dude that made Evil Dead and more importantly, Army of Darkness, which probably ranks somewhere in my top 20-25 movies of all time. The most recognizable actor in the film is Justin Long or the "Mac Dude" from all the Mac commercials. I'm gonna go off on a tangent here but I started thinking about Apple computers and came to the conclusion the Justin Long is the new Jesus... Which makes Apple computers the company and machines God/Gods... But, what does that make Steve Jobs... I guess some kind of crazy ass gypsy like from the movie. I dunno... It's too much to figure out the religious hierarchy of Apple computers. Okay, so Justin Long is Jesus, that's been established. Drag Me To Hell was fucking sweet, I suggest you peep it.

This movie stacks up at a 4 out of 5 in my mind sandwiches.

Damn, I'm off to a solid month here, June 1st and I've already got 2 posts up, things are looking pretty good, on a side note I killed a bee in my house today the size of a GD pick-up truck... I put it in a Ziploc bag and placed it in my freezer, but I'm not so sure what I'll do with it. Maybe I'll dress him up like to look like Paul Shaffer, and we'll have a nightly talk show for my stuffed animals... Maybe.

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