Monday, June 22, 2009

Germophobes Beware! recently put out a "Top 5 Germiest World Attractions" list and here it is (#5 is the dirtiest in the list but not in the picture above...Shut up!):
  1. Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, California:
    It's kitchy and touristy but I'm guessing a shit load of people go here and see if there hands are the same size as Steven Segal or Danny Glover (Who's gettin' too old for this shit!). But, you've gotta put your hands on the ground to do that, the dirty ass, gross ass Hollywood ground. Gadoosh!
    Death Toll: 704*

  2. Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy:
    It's large and beautiful yes, but it's super duper dirty too. Pigeons are to blame for that, the winged rats have totally infested St. Marks Square. I remember walking around trying to enjoy the sights and those little fuckers were just puking, shitting and boning down all over the place, completely ruined Venice for me... Actually now that I think about it, Tomas actually got shit on, no lie, that in turn, made the day glorious (Tomas is the worst, you see). Pow!
    Death Toll: 1,144*

  3. Oscar Wilde's Tomb in Paris, France:
    I'm totally unfamiliar with his works, I don't really know why... Probably cause it's stupid. If you're unfamiliar, not good at or don't understand something, it's stupid, okay. I guess it's how people are attempting to show adoration... to kiss his tombstone, it's actually just super unhygienic, so don't. Also, I think he was gay... Zoom!
    Death Toll: 87*

  4. Wall of Gum in Seattle, Washington:
    This is a great example of how G.D. gross people are, especially up the in the Pacific North West, I've had a particularly strong hatred for people in this region of America for a long time. It's become a tradition to put your gum on a wall while waiting in line at Seattle's Market Theatre in Post Alley. Ping!
    Death Toll: 69*

  5. Blarney Stone in Blarney, Ireland:
    The tradition here is to place your lips upon the stone and you will be rewarded with eloquent speech (the "gift of gab"). I've also heard that jerks have peed and done other bad things on it, so you basically tounging the comforter at a Red Roof Inn. Kacooow!
    Death Tool: 400,000*

*number of people who die each year because of this germy place

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