Thursday, November 13, 2008

Movies in 3-D!!!

Ah yes, that's right 3-d Bitches! Recently me and a ladyfriend of mine went to this awesome old theater by my house and saw "A Nightmare Before Christmas" in 3D, it was pretty F'ing cool. Then this past weekend we checked out this "horror" film called "House" which was kinda lame, but the saving grace was a trailer for a film called "My Bloody Valentine 3D". This one comes out in January and I am totally stoked brah! It looks awesome. But, it did get me thinking, why aren't all movies in 3D? They should be, No? When I think back I can recall a few 3D experiences that I thought were pretty cool. One being "Captain Eo" at Epcot Center starring Michael Jackson, it was legit fer sure. Another was Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" in 3D, that way also pretty damn cool. So to the film makers that are undoubtly reading CDS5000 all the time, please work exclusively in 3D, thank you! There was also a comercial for the DVD release of the movie "Journey To The Center of The Earth", starring skilled thespian Brandon Frasier, but they do include 3D glasses with the movie, so that's cool. Expect to see a lot more stuff in 3D, maybe if we are lucky they can even figure out a way to make life 3D, or dare I say 4D, what would that be like. I did manage to steal my 3D glasses from the movie the other night so I am ready to go.

Quick Update (Thur 10:25 am):
I just found this little 3D gem this morning too, There was a movie made back in the 70's called "Piranha", I liked it. So the are redoing it in the coming year and it's also gonna be in 3D! Here is the story in short: a tremor causes Arizona's Lake Havasu floor to open, setting free scores of prehistoric piranhas, Lake Havasu huh? at lease we'll get to see some boobs! below is some concept art.

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