Friday, March 7, 2008

鯊魚氣味喜歡猴子...If You Can Read This

Your probably a little confused, and rightly so because how in the world could someone say that a Shark smells like a Monkey, that's just crazy talk, because most Sharks don't even speak English. Which brings me to my next point, which brings me to my next point, which brings me to my next point, whoa! sorry I was skipping. As I was saying I am getting real sick and tired of all these Sharks comin' to OUR country, taking OUR jobs and speaking THEIR Language, you take everything else you sons of bitches why don't your learn the speak damn it! French-Canadian Sharks need to get out of here, all they do is walk around in their stripped shirts, sporting their berets, eating their fancy baguettes, acting everything out like they are in a fuckin' silent movie...pricks! Sorry, I'm just venting here, everyone complains but no wants to do a God damn thing about it, hell, if I see one today I'm gonna straight up, Badger Slap his ass then take a pee on him that'll teach'em. Join me in the revolt against yet another thing I hate with a passion, asshole sharks from Quebec. The Monkeys are fine though so let them be. Oh, and the best way to kill a French-Canadian Shark is probably with a hammer, any hammer will do just bludgeon them until their brain hemorrhages or something, I don't know.

1 comment:

MarketMaker said...

Uh huh. Uh huh. Yep. This exactly what I keep telling everyone. Finally someone had the courage to address this controversial topic.