Sunday, March 2, 2008

Gods of the World (No.1)

Ah Puch (aka Hun Ahau)
This is a Mayan God I stumbled across while looking for information about different Gods of the world. His job was to be the God of death and the king of Mintal, which I learned was the 9th sector of the Mayan underworld, the lowest and worst part of it. So, if you use your imagination it's probably a lot like Gary, Indiana (although I think Michael Jackson was from Gary so it can't be that bad). The Mayans decided to have this God look like a skeleton or corpse that was sporting some bells. Typically, he was depicted with a human or owl head, apparently mayans looked at the sound of an owl screeching as immanent death. Many Mexicans and Central Americans still feel this ways about owls. They hang out a lot and always say: "Cuando el tecolote canta, el indio muere", (when the great owl sings, the indian dies) it's actually become a pop culture catch phrase down there. Go get an ice cream cone and think about it.

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