Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gods of the World (No.2)

Jesus (aka Joey's Boy)
It's Sunday so it's time to talk about Gods again. Jesus will be the topic of GOTW No.2, there is a bit of a problem though. Is Jesus a God? I mean God is God, right?, Jesus is his son. But what about Joseph wasn't he...oh yeah, they never "did it" did they, Immaculate Conception and all that, hey, whatever you say Mary. For the sake of this article let's just say Jesus is a God, but God or not I bet he has some daddy issues. Jesus is definitely one of the cool kids in the world of Gods, Like if the world of Gods was a high school, Jesus would probably be the quarterback that got straight A's and still had time to get loaded with his bros. Let's just run through a few things here, full name: Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth, nationality: Jewish, hobbies: performing illusions and getting blitzed on grape juice, sworn enemy: Roman Gov. Pontius Pilate. Jesus is about 33, and the basis of his teachings include; love thy neighbor, don't kill, don't steal, my dad will send you to a land of eternal suffering in the afterlife if you are bad, et-cetera, et-cetera. If you haven't seen it there is a pretty interesting documentary about religions, part 1 anyway. check it out if you've got some time, really interesting stuff.

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