Monday, March 16, 2009

Spy Sharks

Before I get into this post, I was doing some thinking in the shower the other day, as I do from time to time. But, I was thinking about how scary sharks are and what would be a way to make them even scarier. I came up with a couple of things to make this happen. 1. If sharks had arms, that would increase their scary factor by 50%. 2. If sharks could like roar, bark or scream this would make them another 50% more scary. Bringing their new scary factor to 500% (if my math is correct). On the internet I stumbled upon an article that talks about the Pentagon using sharks as "spies". Now that's scary, sharks in tuxedos, drinking martinis, driving Austin Martins and speaking in the British language... Fuck all of that for certain! Hey Pentagon, while your at it, why don't we teach Werewolves karate and teach Vampires how to rape sneakily. Jeez, I mean are y'all fuckin' crazy? The idea is to put implants into the brains of sharks, that would allow them to be controlled remotely. Then the remote controlled shark could track enemy vessels without being noticed. For the record this technology is way closer than you might think, scientists have already been able to control the movement of smaller fish, rats and monkeys.

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