Thursday, March 5, 2009

Me Sighing and Shaking My Head....

So, remember a little while back when I posted the 911 call about the chimp literally tearing a women apart. That would be an example of "proper" 911 use. Let's say you go to a fast food restaurant and they are out of what it is you'd like to order. What do you do, call 911, right? Wrong, that would be and an example of "improper" 911 use. But what happens if you call, not once... not twice... but thrice... This would qualify you as being, straight up, fucking legitimately stupid (I was gonna say "retarded", but have been trying to put the kibosh on using that term). Anyhow, this happened yesterday or the day before. The 27 year-old boner now must appear in court for misuse of 911. It happened in Florida which ain't very surprising either, so here are the three recorded phone calls of a stupid person grossly misusing emergency response systems:

Call No. 1:

Call No. 2:

Call No. 3:

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