Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thoughts on a Movie No.8

I wanted to comment on this movie when I first saw it a few months back, but never got around to it. But I re-watched it and this movie was super heavy metal, kick ass, awesome! (That's one of the ways I can try and express my feeling towards something I really like) What makes it so great? Vinnie Jones for one, you'd recognize him from films like "Lock, Stock" and "Snatch" he's the big fuckin' British dude who is always beating the shit out of people! Another reason I liked this film is that I like watching people getting murdered... What can I say man, it gets me hard you know! (Don't Judge) You'd probably also recognize Bradley Cooper from "The Hangover" and a bunch of other stuff. This is another one of those movies I really heard nothing about but rocks none the less (it a remake from 80s actually). It's about a serial killer (Jones) who is fucking fools up on the subway and an aspiring photographer (Cooper), trying to document the dark side of the city. The photographer becomes obsessive with his work, going to great and disturbing lengths to capture this subject matter. Every night he goes out he is getting closer and closer to becoming a victim himself of the killer / butcher by day (ah-thank you!). The movie is pretty gorey, Oh! and I almost forgot there is a scene where "Rampage" Jackson (of UFC fame) fights the butcher (to no avail). Without giving too much away, the ending takes a fucking, crazy weird ass turn that I was in no way expecting.

This movie is cool and fun to watch, take this ---> 4 out of 5 up in here! Now if you will excuse me I've gotta go catch a different kind of "Midnight Meat Train" (wink-wink... you know what I mean ;)..... I'm gonna go fuck some dudes... on a train.... that is all.

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