Friday, April 17, 2009

Morning Shower Beverages No. 2

Hello pistol pandas!, this morning I drank an energy drink in the shower, it was "Red Jak Sugar Free", weird name I know, but it was BOGO at the grocery store so... My morning routine has gotten slightly out of control. TV shows and beverages in the shower, a gram of cocaine mixed with gunpowder, then I usually wrestle and sexually assault a badger (pound for pound the meanest animal on the planet, fyi). All in all, it does get you up and moving. Come to think of it my lifestyle, as it is right now, is kinda Robert Downey Jr.-esque (the loco years), now I just have to wait for my Iron Man, Tropic Thunder or Soloist to come along. Until then I'm just gonna continue to imagine myself as a Viking Terminator, riding a bulletproof tiger, through a Prehistoric forest of lightning. Oh, and coming soon "CDS5000 - Island Blogs"!!!

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