Monday, April 27, 2009

Fuckin Pigs Man!

So, last week (er 2 weeks ago) we were getting poisoned by crazy nurses, now pigs. Like I always say, "Pigs might be funny and delicious, but they're also dickheads." As I'm sure you know by now there is something going on in the Southwestern U.S. and parts of Mexico. I haven't seen to much news on it, but i did see a thing the WHO upgraded the thing to level 4 or something so, I don't know. Stay away from children would be my advice, if these little bugger's are unavoidable for you, get one of those SARS masks that were cool in China a while back. Actually, I always thought like you need the bug to make the meds, I mean I'm no doctor but. That being said head on down to Mex City and start smoochin' everyone you can!

I'm losing focus here a little, I think what has happened here is that Mexico was working on some Bio-Weapons and tested it in a "Control" Study. You're probably wondering why Mexico is working on weapons at all right now, THE RECONQUISTA!! I wrote about this some time ago, but it's basically Mexico's plan to retake the Southwest. But, I live in Chicago, we found this shit fair and square! You see no one was here when we set-up shop in the mid-west. The name "Chicago", if my research proves correct was a word made up to meaning "Take a Chance on Dance". In all seriousness, this shit does freak me out though, so I'm quarentining myself till this blows over, see you in a couple of months.

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