Friday, April 10, 2009


I really liked the the show a lot at first, like obsessively liked it, like more than a friend. When Season 5 started up again I watched the first couple episodes and in the begining I was like this:

Now, I haven't watched any other eps from this season and my feeling towards the show are more like this:

This is another one of those things that I will definately flip-flop on because I have a DVR filled up with every episode from this season... That's right I said DVR, it's an extra $5.99 a month, but it's no big whoop, that's how I get down, DVRs, Text Messaging, Cold and Hot water. As you can see, I do NOT "f" around. Meanwhile everyone else I know is still... totally stupid. Have a nice day, even though I'm definately posting something else today because we should be off today, but are not, and I checked out the second I walked through the door.

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