Monday, March 11, 2013

CDS5K Dream Catcher No. 1

I have been noticing my dreams are way more crazy, vivid and memorable since I have been taking things like 5-HTP and other Nutropics prior to falling asleep. I'll keep this short since hearing about someone else's dreams is about as fun as looking at pictures you are not in. So here's how our phone conversation would have gone if you called me in the midst of my sweaty fever dream this early morning.

You: Hey, what are you up to?

Me: Oh not much, just running down the huge Mahogany lined hallways of my mansion, that kinda reminds me of my high school. I can't seem to find naked Jessica Beil anywhere, I can hear her though. Also, it looks like I'll be in San Francisco next Saturday, so I'm in on that Sushi restaurant on Alcatraz! Latro!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can probably swing that... Sushi on Alcatraz... Aim higher tho.