Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why America Will Beat You Up!

Super Bowl weekend recently reminded me of how we (as Americans), love to gorge on ridiculous fat fuck concoctions while watching professional athletes with less than 5% body fat (not counting O and D line or Larry Fitzgerald's huge ghetto booty). American's have a rich history of eating unhealthy junk food like Pizza, Hot Dogs, Cheeseburgers, French Fries and the like. However we don't become true fat asses until we figure out ways to make these items bigger or help them to mutate into an awesome combination. I found some pretty great examples of this on the old WWW, so here are some of my favorites, enjoy:

-Krispy Creme Bacon Cheeseburgers

-French Fried Hot Dog

-Happy Meal Pizza

-Corndog Pizza

-The Double Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt

-The Hamdog (hotdog wrapped in ground beef, fried, topped with french fries, chili and a fried egg)

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