Friday, February 20, 2009

Oregon Trail

I'm sure most of you remember playing this game on your old shitty computers in grade school, but it was awesome. There was probably a phase during my grade school career at Old St. Joe's where playing "The Oregon Trail" was like totally the highlight of my day, that or cutting myself behind the curtins on the stage, down in "parrish hall". Oh shit, "hot lunch" was pretty great too, unless you forgot it was hot lunch.. because everyone thought you were poor then :(. I'm going off on a tangent here. For the time this tasty little son-of-a-pistol was actually really entertaining, but, I'm trying to remember why exactly. I guess it was cool to hunt like bears, deer and squirrels. Another fun aspect was gambling with the river forge, sometimes you make it, sometime you don't. Sometimes for no good reason your wife or child would die of dysentery, or some other kind of old-timey disease, or if I remeber correctly you could just watch them all starve to death. So the big news here and reason I am writting about a computer game that is so many years removed from my life is.... IT'S COMING BACK... FOR YOUR iPHONE! Yeah on Febuary 28th you'll be able to purchase the new version of this classically badass game for your iPhone, I just thought you all should know. Below is a screen capture of the new version.


Anonymous said...

I totally remember hot lunch and it all tasted like cardboard. As for parrish hall that place was scary and dingy and smelled like old priests. Creepy old priests...

Mikey Januska said...

Yeah I remember going down into parrish hall a couple of times and all the lights were out, I just about had a panic attack, oh and then father jim touched my butt. :(

Anonymous said...

Father Jim was crazy creepy. It was the gray moustache and he smelled like little boy butt.