Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My New Tattoo...

I went last week for my consultation about my "cover-up" tattoo, and I am really happy with the way it is shaping up. It is gonna take two sessions before it is complete, but it is looking pretty sweet. Saturday took about 4 hours, and in 3 weeks I will be getting the color done and the old ugly tattoo will be hidden behind this new sweet one. the flowers were her idea and was aprehensinve at first by am happy with the way it turned out. Also I originally had a banner that said "thru the darkness" but she said it didn't work so whatev. Here is the preliminary sketch, as soon as I have a good pic of it I will pop it up here.

Here is a camera pic, you can obviously still see the old one it won't be done until after the next session in three weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fine you go get tattooed while I cry and continue to be on some stupid waiting list. This is crap! And your shizz looks awesome.