Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mystery 30 Day Challenge...

The idea of starting a 30 day challenge in which you don't know what the actual challenge is, seems ridiculous. I think it goes back to the thing I was talking about with time constraints (remind me to talk about "time dilation" at some point...). When you present yourself with a deadline, it adds a sense of urgency to complete the tasks at hand. Ultimately, time as we know it is a limited resource in our lives. So the idea of making the most of the time we are given seems like a no brainer. But it's very easy to look at time as an unlimited resource, making us all comfortable. Comfort on paper seems like a pleasing or positive thing, but it's not. Getting outside your comfort zone is the only way to guarantee, not "Comfort" but "Happiness" in your life, which is all that really matters. People think by putting yourself outside your comfort zone, you are opening the door to failure. When people look at "Failure" they see it as a negative, it paralyzes them with fear. But "Failure" is not actually what is happening outside your comfort zone. "Learning" is what happens, so try not to look at something you've tried as a "Failure" but a lesson "Learned"... THERE! You get it stupids? DO YOU!?


On July 1st I'm having a No-Holds-Barred Pay-Per-View event kicking off my Mystery 30 Day Challenge! $69.95 plus egregious service fee! Contact your local cable provider NOW!! We will laugh, we will cry... We will witness small animals and helpless elderly people die at my hands.

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