Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts on a Movie No. 13

I watched this last night, it was my third attempt to do so, but finally was able to take some time away from "research", and really relax and enjoy "Black Dynamite". The actor who played "BD" (Michael Jai White), is probably familiar to most, I couldn't place it at first but he played Al Simmons/Spawn in the 1997 Image Comics adaptation "Spawn", and more recently Gambol the black gangster in "The Dark Knight". Anyway, he's awesome in this, you'll notice a few others too, like Tommy Davidson who plays a pimp and Cedric Yarbrough (RENO 911) who also plays a pimp. It's kinda like "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka!" but slightly cleaner and more subtle... At times. That probably sounds confusing. I really don't want to give away the entire plot because the rabbit hole goes very deep in this one! But here's a taste, "BD's" brother is killed while working undercover on a drug sting. Hell bent on revenge, BD discovers that his death was connected to a much larger government conspiracy specifically targeting African Americans via mass distribution of a contaminated malt liquor. BD will do anything he can to avenge his brothers death and get to the bottom of the conspiracy! I fucking loved this movie so much and laughed out loud (LOLed) a ton. Just be aware while you're watching it, that the filmmakers were self aware when they made this. Then again if you don't get it, you're a fucking idiot and you probably shouldn't be reading this. Comedy isn't rocket science, or a matter of opinion, funny things are funny, period, and if you can't see that... go get a gun... put it in your mouth... (whisper for this part) and pull the fucking trigger. Okay, I'm sorry for that little rant. See this movie though!

I'm going... uh 4.35 out of 5.

Quote of the Movie: "Now Aunt Billy, how many times have I told you not to call here and interrupt my Kung Fu!"
-Black Dynamite on the phone with Aunt Billy

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