Friday, March 12, 2010

New Joke...

Here's a new joke I've been working on:

Q: ¿Por qué fue Michael Jackson a Wal-Mart?

A: Porque ellos tienen los tratos buenos en el artículos de tocador y bebidas, para el ejemplo Gatorade... Realmente yo no pienso que él hizo, porque él se murió, Dios descansa su alma.

I wrote this joke in Spanish because I think it will deliver better that way, here is the rough translation. I should say, the Spanish might not be perfect but I'm not perfect

Q: Why did Michael Jackson go to Wal-Mart?

A: So that he could get good deals on Toiletries and beverages like Gatorade... Actually I don't think he did , because he passed away, God rest his soul.

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