Thursday, July 31, 2008

Total Recall

This is usually the first thing I think of anytime someone says something about Mars, not Red Planet or Mission to Mars, but Total Recall the best Mars movie of all time. Anywhozzle, NASA I guess accomplished something of note for the first time in a while to justify the asinine amount of government funds they devour. They found water, and the thing about water is that when it is present there is usually life to accompany it, even if it is as minimal as little tiny little stupid ass microbes, it's no four boobed women like we saw in Total Recall, but I suppose we can chalk this up as a significant discovery. What does this mean in the end? Unfortunately not a huge payoff here, following space exploration is about exciting as being in church or paying bills. Ultimately researchers plan to use this as a potential launch pad to answer to the question, "Was or Could Mars be capable of providing a habitable environment for different forms of life beyond microbes? First of all, are these dudes fuckin retarded, there is totally life on Mars, I don't even need to be all smart and sciencey to know that. I feel we can just assume there is at this point, actually scratch that. I'm gonna flip-flop here, I actually don't think I believe in space and the universe and all that anymore, it's all a bunch of B.S. created to make us all crazy in the hopes, they can later emit a mind-controlling "space" signal from Mars that makes us all kill each other. I haven't seen "The Happening" yet, so if this is what the movie is about, I am smarter than M. Night, but I have seen a movie called "The Signal" that's kind of like that... so I am a poser :( ... suck it!

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