Monday, July 28, 2008

Things on the Moon No.1

We may think that we know everything there is to know about the Moon. But there is a butt-load of stuff we don't know about it, for example we don't even know for sure where it comes from. Some people theorize it is a piece of the earth that broke off. There is even evidence that the moon once had active volcanoes, and we are not sure if it's still geologically active (the prevailing theory is that it is not). There are some more controversial mysteries too. Here are some hardcore facts & truths that the Government doesn't want you to know about: 1. Extraterrestrials have or once had bases on the moon. 2. The is a whole bunch of stuff on the moon that we didn't put there. In this series, we are going to briefly look into some of these visual anomalies that have been seen on the surface of the moon.

The Shard
Or "The Tower" image was first captured by a lunar orbiter III and named by Richard C. Hoagland. The photo was taken from a distance of 250 miles, and to scale would be enormous, like 7 miles high! The star-like shape above the tower is a camera resignation mark and is not part of the Shard's actual structure. The Shard has a shadow cast in the correct direction for it to be a real object on the Moon, and is aligned with the local vertical rather than the grain in the film, decreasing the chance it is an emulsion abnormality. Close-ups reveal a cellular-like internal structure.
click to enlarge
Poor resolution images like the one below, have led some to believe it is an ephemeral "outgassing" event. The Enterprise Mission Enhancements reveal no "spray" or splatter which would be consistent with this conclusion. The object appears to be solid, but badly damaged from meteors.
click to enlarge

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