Tuesday, April 8, 2008

MexiCAN or MexiCAN't

This is what the lower half of North America looked like before the 1848 Mexican-American War, Mexico was way bigger back then, but I feel that Mexico's land loss had more to do with Banditos and Chupacabras than the this little skirmish in the mid-1800's. Anyway, this is a recently released ad by Vin & Spirit, the makers of Absolut Vodka, after recieving many complaints from offended Americans, the ad was pulled and the marketing team was shit-canned. People are way to F'in sensitive, we live in a world full of pussies and complainer's, one American Absolut drinker said, "I have poured the remainder of my Absolut bottles down the sink". Yeah fuckin' right dude, you definitely did not pour perfectly good vodka down the sink, but if by writing that you did on a blog makes you feel better about whatever it is your trying to accomplish than more power to you pussy! This ad was made for Mexicans by Mexicans, so whats the BFD, do you think that by running a Swedish Vodka ad in Mexico, some kind of new Mexican Revolution is going to occur...it might, there is already what Mexican immigrants are referring to as the "Reconquista" occurring in the American Southwest. So go ahead and build your Bajillion dollar sheet-metal wall, and pull any "offensive" advertisements, it won't prevent this inevitable invasion...wait a minute...maybe they are right, maybe this Absolut ad is exactly how these things start. I have officially, flip-flopped, advertisements like this one are exactly the type of dangerous thinking that will bring this great country to its knee's. We need to build the wall higher and stronger, do what you can to get as many illegals back to Mexico...as it says every day as I get off the train, "if you see something, say something" (this is referring to terrorism, another demon we must battle and fear, but can be applied to the Mexican invasion). Win or lose, we have to fight to prevent the evils of Mexico from infiltrating and corrupting the American way, I will die defending this land if I have to. In closing, I would not advise wasting good vodka, even if it is Absolut, everyone knows that your a way tougher and a way better fighter when you are drunk. So if times are desperate, they might call for desperate measures, drink down whatever Absolut you have and fight until you can't anymore. Viva Estados Unidos!

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