Friday, April 18, 2008

I Say Osama, They Say Usama

Apparently the FBI wanted to put a little "USA" into the name of the #1 Most Wanted Terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. Now I just don't know what to do because I talk about OBL like 24 - Sev, should I be saying Osama or Usama, I am freaking out holmes! It seems to me that everything I have seen since them towers came down says Osama, but the frickin' FBI, says Usama, I guess they are just fucking morons, the fact that they can't even spell his name right explains a lot! FBI should stand for "Fucking Bumbling Idiots" instead of "Female Booty Inspectors", you know what I mean! According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, it can go either way, but come on how often do you see The Director's name ("The Director" is alias of his apparently) spelled with a "U", get your shit together FBI, assholes! The reason there are Sliders next to OBL's face is that the blue and white reminded me of White Castle...I wonder if OBL has ever had White Castle, if he did it probably wasn't a Bacon Chee! But who know's maybe he has had White Castle, and maybe he loves it, I doubt it though. What was I even talking about...I don't know anymore, I really don't

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