Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gods of the World (No. 4)

Satan (aka Lucifer, Beelzebub, Prince of Darkness, Bill Paxton)

The original "bad boy" of gods, at one time he was pretty tight with Christianity's "The God" (old Mr. Whitebeard), until one day he was like, "fuck all y'all, it's time for a revolution in this clouded city". You see, Lucifer was tired of bowing before God with all the other angels, he wanted to be the ruler of Heaven. Obviously things did not work out for Satan (then called Lucifer), God was like, "who the fuck do you think you are fuckin' with? bitch, we're done, you are dead to me now!". After a battle that lasted like, a minute, God cast Lucifer and his army of fallen angels down to a lake of fire where he would suffer for all of eternity. It's been a long time since all of that, and Satan has been pigeon-holed as a really bad dude, not necessarily the case. After getting to know a few things about him, you start to see genuine, sincere, human-like emotion and compassion. One thing for example that many people might not realize is that Satan is a Homosexual, I didn't even know what this was until I looked it up (so if you don't know either it's hyperlinked...actually sounds pretty cool). A gentleman I heard talking on his Bluetooth was saying how Satan is heavily involved in organizations such as; The Peace Corps, The Special Olympics, Food Not Bombs and NAMbLA. These are just of few of the things this "Prince of Darkness" is involved with, the list goes on and on! So next time you hear someone talking about what a jerk Satan is, remind them that he is a chairman for an organization that seeks legalization of sexual relationships between adult males and under-aged boys. They won't have much to say after hearing that...will they!

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