Monday, September 22, 2008

Ballcatch coming soon to DVD

I just got home from a little weekend "bro" trip down in Florida and it was a pretty sweet time. The cool thing is that something really great came out of the trip too, a movie. It's called ball catch and it's part documentary, part action / adventure and even a little gay porn in there. The bulk of the movie is basically drunk dudes throwing a ball back and forth in a pool, usually only one of the people involved in "ballcatch" is actually in the pool. Some of the other stuff in this sweet movie is: doing beer bongs out of swimming noodles, cannonballs, angry blow jobs and mimosa abuse. Pretty sure this thing is gonna be fucking huge and everyone will probably be taking about ball catch, like at work, or at the mall, or at the bank. Don't look like an asshole in these situations, figure out what "ballcatch" means to you and join in on these conversations. If you don't you will probably get your ass kicked and be publically rediculed or you might get punched in the dick really, really fucking hard. That would suck bad! So for the last time, ballcatch it up you motherfucking fruitcakes. I'm out.

1 comment:

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal