Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Get a Panic Room Installed

It's probably a good idea, think about it for a moment ........................................................................ see. Granted it is going to run you at least $60K for a decent rig. The more I consider this, I don't really care about what the walls are made out of and junk, it's what's inside that I am concerned about. If I'm going to be hunkered down avoiding a good ol' kidnapping / rape / murder, or all three, I'm gonna need something to keep myself busy in the panic room. So here is the list of things that are essential to a panic room in no particular order: (1) a TV, flat because of limited space (2) laptop, with internet hook-up (3) a bed (4) basic foods (5) phone (6) giant chewy nerds, because they are really good! (7) guns (8) alcohol, beer & booze (9) some meth (10) 16 bananas (11) some G.I. Joes guys (12) a book with a favorable picture to word ratio (13) 9v battery (12) a rain coat (13) your I-PASS (14) ambien. All that stuff is pretty much obvious I guess, you know what you need, right asshole? LOOK AT ME, get serious this is your fucking panic room. Now think about why you might be in this pickle (kidnapping, rape, murder threat). Maybe your a dick, or maybe your Jody Foster, Forest Whitaker or a cornrowwed Jared Leto. Don't even get me started on Jared Leto..... Because he's awesome! If the room fails and we are looking at a worst case scenario, try to get Leto instead of Whitaker for the raping part because Forest Whitaker has that weird eye thing.

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