Friday, April 6, 2012


In the event of zombie doomsday preparation. Whenever the government, aliens or mother nature decides to unleash its wrath upon humanity, it would serve well to do some strategic stockpiling. I came upon the Agilite IPC (Injured Personal Carrier) while doing a little stockpiling myself. The IPC allows you to carry an injured person "comfortably" like a back pack. In theory, the IPC allows the wearer to evacuate a wounded person and keep their hands free to operate a weapon or navigate difficult terrain. As you can see from the image this is probably the worst piece of equipment one could utilize in a zombie outbreak... You bout to get cold MercKed by your soon to be zombie comrade. However this could work for carting your fat ass kids around a Six Flags or Disney World. Leaving them and you hands free to scarf down corn dogs and churros. In that case go get one you fat fucks!

CDS5K and the Mikers.

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