Thursday, April 26, 2012

ComputerDeathComment No.1

If you have ever spent time reading some of the comments that people leave on YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc... You know of some of the pure fucking gold out there. Here is one I read today in a "discussion" about this 2012 Red Dwarf meme that's going around a little bit. The video is not even worth watching but it's a solar system time lapse graphic that shows the projection of a red dwarf swinging through our solar system and fucking us all to hell this year. It's bullshit and was made with some iPhone app called Univese Sand-Box er something. Anyway I was scrolling through the comments and saw this one I thought was funny:

"Also, dinosaurs died from digging deep holes to hide in.  Then they fell asleep.  That's how we get fossils.  Everyone knows that!"

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