Monday, August 22, 2011

Angry Letters No. 2

Dear Smug Bitch Who Wrote This,

How do I know you are a she? It's all in the handwriting. And you know what bitch, fuck you for judging me, my answer is yes, yes I AM. Clearly you're the one why can barely stand the person you're becoming. Don't drag me into you're negative bullshit self-help exercises. Next time you roll your fat ass outta bed to go through the trouble of making something like this, maybe you should just jump in front of a train and deal with the inevitability of personal failure. And I know this is short n' sweet, but I think I've conveyed my main point, which in case you forgot fatty... kill yourself.

MJ and the CDS5K team


Unknown said...

ok you know what mj and cds5k team....this is a little much. You are being overly hostile and it makes me wonder.. would the little girl inside of you be proud of you right NOW?

Mikey Januska said...

First of all, I'm not a girl, and B. keep up comments like this and you'll have an angry letter coming your way.