Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MaruBot Robot Football

Foosball is pretty darn fun, I don't really have the opportunity to play it often anymore because I no longer smoke weed or share residence with a bunch of date-raping frat boys. Anytime I have the opportunity to "Foos it up" (mmmm-douche, I'm a douce), I certainly will. On Gizmodo today I saw a wonderous looking maching called MaruBot Robot Football. Basically it seems to be a cross between Foosball and Bubble Hockey... but with sweet-ass little robots you can control with a joy-stick. It definately looks like it could be fun and I never want to be the kind of person who scoffs at reimagining classic stoner games that require no athletic prowess. BUT at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I've spoke openly about my hatred and fear of robots. It's small advancements like this seemingly innocent robot football game that will drive the stake into the heart of humanity, be warned y'all... the end is nigh. Just stop building robots! Seriously, it never ends well, knock it off Japan... knock it off... If you want you could still make those sex robot things that look like John Stamos, that's okay by me.

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