Wednesday, September 30, 2009


These things are everywhere! I had to fight two of them just getting from the parking garage to the office. Here are a couple of things to remember if you should encounter a Bearsharktopus. 1. DO NOT make any sudden movements, stay calm and draw them in to make your kill. 2. These things are devastatingly terrified of shiny things, if you have something shiny, use it, or lose it! 3. If one is too close to you and you can't scare it away, avoid the tentacles and sweep the leg. These creatures are very top heavy and if you get one down 2/3 of the battle is completed. 4. Once this bitch is down strike it in the nose with a blunt object or a closed fist. You can also, try and rip at his land gills, or just straight up kick him right in the Golden Girls (testes). 5. After you have concurred the beast, I suggest you call your local taxidermist, because this is definitely a specimen you want to make love on in front of a fireplace.

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