Wednesday, August 1, 2012

DeadPool VG Trailer...

Here is a trailer for some new DEADPOOL video game... I dunno, I can't get into them. I think I'm too old. Not too long ago, I went all in on getting XBOXed up. It was pretty funny though, because the first Best Buy Girl Nerd (or, BBGN) I asked was pushing a PS3 on me... Which, what do I care? Just tell me which one is better and I can start killing things already! BBGN #1 got boxed off by a much larger and agressive BBGN #2... Who plainly said, "PS3 is for pussies dude, don't listen to this twat, you want an XBOX 360". Done! You've convinced me BBGN #2, I'll take it, along with whatever else ended up costing me close to $700.00! Now, I basically use it exclusively for Netflix and Hulu and Shit. What a waste... But you know what? I'm committing to it tonight! I'm going to play this Left 4 Dead zombie game. To be honest, I've almost been too afraid to play it. But I'm not bitching out tonight. I'm killing zombies.

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