Monday, February 6, 2012

Computer Death Nostalgia No.1

CHICKEN McNUGGETS: Shanghai Taste Adventure (Now that's a mouthful ;)

I was looking over another blog called "I'm Remembering", attempting to spark a little personal nostalgia. And I think I remember this... Part of... HOLY ATTENTION SPAN! I'm just coming back to this after about 45 minutes of getting lost in the internet. Maybe as part of some kind of Olympic Tie-in promotion, but it would probably have the Olympic logo if that were the case. In any event (no pun), I do definitely remember a commercial for this Asian Style McNugget, the only thing making it "Asian" was the sauces and chopsticks, btw. The rest of it was just regular old McNuggies... Delicious... Delicious McNuggies... Delicious. I don't even care if there are cow eyes in them or whatever. Guess what? When you batter, fry, chicken and cow eyeballs and place 20 of them in a cardboard box for $4.99. It's mom fucking delicious! Ew, now I know why we say "Mother Fucking". Anyway, I just want to use this as a way to promote eating McNuggets, just continue to exercise or you will start to look like one...

UPDATE: If you click on the recommended videos after this one, you can take yourself on a nice little journey through 80's McDonald's Commercials, Unintentional/Intentional Art...

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