Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thoughts on a Movie No. 18

I'm gonna start by saying flat out, WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! Seriously here is a link to a DL:
GO NOW> or simply type " Super (2011)" in your iTunes which is what I did of course!

Well you've got a little bit of time while you wait for this to download, and good job for taking that step! The Summary is as follows:

After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, though he lacks for heroic skills.

I know you may be thinking this is not a "new" concept, but I must remind you, NOTHING IS! I really loved Kick Ass, like a lot, I even blogged about it (see "Thoughts on a Movie No. 13) > But this was a similar concept much more well executed, on what I imagine was a much smaller budget. AND that's not to take away from quality talent: Rainn Wilson (The Office), Ellen Page (Juno), Liv Tyler (Big Mouthed Rock Star's Daughter) and of course "The Baconator" Kevin Bacon (Hallow Man and Footloose Pt. 1, sorry Kevo). Yeah... they are all in it! Kick-Ass was great on every level I didn't expect, so when I stumbled upon "Super" I was like, "well I'll just smoke some weed and watch it", little did I know that I was about to fall in love. Maybe it's just the emotional state that CDS5K is in, but this thing nailed it on every level for me. That's right "The Netherlands", over there in your ivory towers making wooden shoes and building some of the baddest kickboxers in the world! Sometimes CDS5K gets sad. But tell Bas Rutten we said hello. Mainly, I'd like to not give away anything that may ruin this for you but it manages to be much darker and real(er) than "Kick-Ass" as far as a "John Everyman" (I've really gotta stop using this term) Superhero movie can be. That's all I have to say as far as the movie itself goes. It did remind me of a news story I saw as I was getting dressed for Computer Death Sister's wedding a couple of weeks ago...

So, I was putting on my tuxedo for my sister's wedding and a news story happened on the picture screen, it was about a real life super hero! Phoenix Jones has apparently been macing hippies outside of Seattle bars after having one too many IPAs. There is a way to do it, and there is a way to not... Phoenix Jones... after targeting closing time bar shenanigan's, I do not respect you as a superhero. Really guy?, you're gonna dress up and put on this whole show to mace wasted people!? At least do what a superhero was meant to do, which to steal a line from the movie is: " All it takes to be a superhero is the choice to fight evil". Not be a muscley black guy in a costume and accost drunk (sheltered) white people outside of a micro brewery, are you out of your tits sir?! What's the reaction you'd expect? anyway the story to this asshole can be found here >

Bottom line is the movie was very good, and watch it , if you can squeeze it into your insignificant life.

I'll say 4.76 death marx out of 5... which is better than "Kick Ass" btw.

Quote of the Movie: " You don't butt in line! You don't sell drugs! You don't molest little children! You don't profit off the misery of others! The rules were set a long time ago! They don't change!"
-Frank "The Superhero" (after being accused of being a psycho upon caving in the skull of a man who cut in line for a movie)

It's late... good night internet, welcome to November here are some screensavers for the month. Calenders are a great way to remind you that time is actually passing, don't let that shit pass you by pussies!


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