Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thoughts on a Movie No.1

First of all sorry for the recent lack of posting to the loyal CDS 5000 readers, I recently joined Facebook and have been using that as a means to flush my life down the toilet. I have a lot to say about the pros and cons of Facebook but I will save that for another post. Today I'd like to talk about a movie I watched last night called "Slumdog Millionaire". If you dont feel like reading the whole post, here is the short version of what the film is about:

Spoiler Alert!
An Indian fellow overcomes a life of adversity while chasing a girl who is not down with hittin' skins... that is until after he wins 20,000,000 rupee, then she is okay with falling in love and stuff.

I liked the way the story was told, basically the dude (Jamil or Jamal) is accused of cheating his way to 10,000,000 rupee and they take him away before he has the chance to answer the final 20,000,000 rupee question. The host and police, figure there is no way an uneducated hoodrat could know all of these answers. The setting switches back and forth between the Game Show, Police Department and Childhood Flashbacks. As it turns out, up to this point Jamil did know all of the answers to the questions, but only because they serendipitously had something to do with a profound moment in his life. So... I liked the format, you'd be on the show, Jamil is presented the question and then you flash into his past seeing what happened and why he knows the answer to this particular question. Jamil's love interest is crazy gorgeous, and his brother is like a Indian gangster thug type guy, Jamil is basically a doormat that gets fucked over his entire life. Ostensibly it's a "rags to riches" story set in Indian. Good movie though...

On a scale of 1 to 5:
I would put it at a 4

My ranking system for things I will be ranking in the future will be as follows:
1, horribly bad
2, bad... but not horrible
3, eh... tolerable, could be better
4, good, you should check this out
5, awesome, Christ-Like, check this or we are no longer friends

Keep in mind this is only the way I feel about this stuff, so if you ain't down... F U!

Oh and Happy 2009... I think I have a new year in my archive list now, woohoo!

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