Friday, January 16, 2009

Fearless, Vending Machine, Me in the Shower

I was driving to work this morning and saw this red pick-up truck with a bunch of No Fear things on it. Ugh! what a fucking pussy seriously! This guy is probably afraid of so much shit he has to cry himself to sleep. I was enraged, what does that mean when you feel the need to advertise the fact that you don't fear anything? Spend a day inside my head mother fucker I'll give you something to be afraid of... maybe I'll follow you around all day from a discrete distance find out where you live and kill your fuckin' family, would you fear that asshole. Maybe I'll spare them since they've had to deal with such a pussy-ass douche bag their whole life. Yeah, I'll just take you back to my house and cut your dick off, put it in your mouth and surgically dissect you with an X-acto blade while we listen to Death Metal. Maybe I'm going a little overboard here, just made me a little mad is all. No Fear, ha! So I came up with this original quote which I thought of on my own and no one else ever said it. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

In other news I was watching "The Office" from last night and saw in the vending machine that they have "UTZ" brand snacks! This is the same brand from my "Cheese Ball" post a while back. So in a weird kinda-sorta way, I can start telling people that I was on an episode of "The Office".
Pretty cool huh?

Oh and since the first part of this post was insanely psychotic I will leave you with a photo of me drinking espresso in the shower from this morning... I love you all. Good night, let's go get some drinks!


Anonymous said...

wow... Your totally made up quote was so inspiring. You should seriously think about being a public speaker. I mean you've got man... You've got it.

Mikey Januska said...

Thinkin' bout it.