Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoughts on a Movie No.18

The Perfect Movie Edition
I finally saw the movie I have been looking forward to ever since I knew of it's FINtastic existence, Shark Night 3D. Y'all know how very super much sharks mean to me. Not just in a "Hey Guy's, it's Shark Week..." kinda way, but more in the sense that they're all I ever think about, every day of my land loving life! My obsession can even be cripplingly irrational, to the point where I can't even go in lakes, pools or take a shower. That said, I basically lose my mind whenever a new shark movie is lurking on the horizon, and the case was no different for Shark Night 3D.

The story is a classic slasher film set up. A group of college co-eds are heading up to a lake house for the weekend for some kind of sinful booze-fueled sex party. Little do they know that the party is about to be brought to a bloody halt at the discovery of the fact this Louisiana salt water lake is teeming with killer sharks. I really don't need to say all that much more as far as summarizing the story, nor am I a fan of giving away spoiler's to the audience of CDS5K. But I believe you get the gist of where this all goes.

Overall, in addition to quenching my thirst for seeing twenty something stereotypes (The Black, Football star from the ghetto, gets it first... so, much for no spoilers), it was really pretty great visually as well. The 3D elements were great, and it's not just because of the weed okay, they really were. A lot of these movies are getting past the 3D gimmic of just having shit fly at you and focusing on creating rich color and depth. This is best illustrated by the sweeping aerial landscapes and underwater screen shots.

Shark Night is laughable most of the time, but in a good way, I'm giving it a 4.05 out of 5 deathmarx. See it in the theater in 3D!!

Quote of the Movie:
"It was really great to see you Dennis"
-Sara genuinely says, after an encounter where her racist ex-boyfriend and his pal start a fight with her friends at the local bait shop.

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