Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Computer Shark News 5000

Another reason to stay out of the ocean presented itself when a Great White Shark was almost bitten completely in half by another GWS about double in size (approx. 20ft). Swimmers near Stradbroke Island in Queensland are being encouraged by officials to, "Stay the fuck out the water unless you want to be eaten alive by the monster, we have affectionately named, Captain Cuddles." Now, I don't want to come off as being Xenophobic, but we all know that Aussies* are a bunch of crazies who have the blood of 17th and 18th century murders and rapists coursing through their veins. So I think that maybe Captain Cuddles is really there to just put the fear of God into them and help dish out swift, bloody ocean justice to evil doers.

*It's important to note that I don't really think Aussie's are all criminally insane, but who knows.

1 comment:

your hero, Catie said...

I think my fear of sharks has grown considerably worse since your blog has been around. I will stay the fuck out of the ocean.