Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Should Just Start a New Blog... And a New Life... As a Woman...

Just kidding... I would never give up my penis, I'm sorry, they're just way better... to own... when used on vaginas... (no homo) Weird place to open... with penis talk... Sorry, that's not really my style. I don't think it is anyway.

But really? Why do I have this blog anymore?.... BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST... worst!... And maybe, my only chance to digitally store snippets of my meat body's life, thoughts and memories into this brewing storm of a human life experience digital cloud we are building... That one day may be able to strike a ballzworth of lightening into our immortality... like a beta version... I hope to at least make it to a beta version... Bound to live forever as an obsolete piece of technology, tossed away for the next annual version. Each year becoming more and more useless... Or vintage maybe... an upside!!

I think that... I'm talking about the idea of being able to live forever by uploading our consciousness into a computer. This tech is obviously not directly around the corner where lemonade is made... But, at the exponential rate of technological growth being as it is... You better grease up you and your loved ones assholes because... They're bout to get fucked by terminators...

Hold that though Im bot to go shred right quik...

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