Monday, December 6, 2010


I was just thinking about changing my last name, actually just shortening it a little bit. We live in a technologically driven world with short attention spans and a necessity for brevity. Plus, at some point in my family lineage it was basically determined by someone anyway. Furthermore, how many times had it changed since as a human race we were able to cognitively determine a label for our families? How many times has it changed since then? I'll just be the asshole who does it this time, and who knows how long it will be before it will be changed again? But, for that time I will hold this mystical power!!!!!



Anonymous said...

You should shorten to Jan, and start going by Jan. Get really angry with people when they don't call you Jan. Tell them, "Stop calling me Mikey, my name is Jan people!" Eventually, once everyone accepts it and starts playing along, fake your own death.

Then when they don't call you by Jan at your funeral you can pop out and make everyone feel real guilty. They will definitely owe you one then.

Mikey Januska said...

okay fine... i will, also, who are you anonymous? you know an awful lot about my name. If i find out who you are i'm going to kick the shit out of you. Guy or Girl i don't give a hoot!