Monday, January 2, 2012

The Heat is On! (for CDS5K in 2012)

Coming off a year of my least posts ever, I just want you to know... The heat is definitely on, and based on the fact I got 20 views from Thailand this past week (favorite place in the world I've never been), that is only fuel to the CDS5K FIRE! There is just about has a 100% chance of being the official theme song of CDS5K and my life!

Some other things you should look for in the coming year...

1>My new band "The Bitch Nuggets" will be releasing our first studio (Garage Band) album, titled "Biscuits and Gravy" (Below is the tentative((definate)) tracklist)

2>My increased Gambling into complete financial ruin... Or should I say Success! :) (Thank you Allistar Overeem and the Chicago Bears for turning my $50.00 into... more than that)

3>Using my funding from the Album and gambling to fund my realization of becoming Batman, or something like him, NOT a fruit bat tho!

4>Finding vigilante justice a fruitless battle for a means to an end of the scum of Gotham, I become a flat out Serial Killer.

These are just a couple of things, there is so much to be done this year... So much...

1 comment:

Mikey Januska said...

There just about has? well said sir.